Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Me, Myself, & Information: The "Vanity Search" Update

The "Vanity Search"

Since I'm looking to expand my employment opportunities as I carry myself through graduate school (and only recently left a company at which I spent over 7 years) I decided it was time to do an in-depth look into my web presence. This meant googling my name, checking my profiles as they appear to others, and attempting to locate every account I've created linked to my personal and professional (opposed to purposely anonymous) accounts. 

Rather anticlimactically, when I first reported on my vanity search efforts, there wasn't much intelligible information out there directly tied to my name. I had a terrible habit of forming multiple accounts for multiple sections of my life (my Twitter, Instagram, and other social media handles didn't include any part of my name). Moreover, and rather unexpectedly, I saw a lot of people showing up when I searched my relatively "unique" name

In an order to create a positive digital footprint, I've spent the past seven weeks optimized the sites that I engage with most so that both potential employers and other faculty members see the most qualified version of my "digital self".

Here, I'll give an overview of the achievements I was able to gain within this short period of time and briefly mention the steps I took to solidify my online reputation, expose myself to new business opportunities, and cultivate my digital footprint. 

Expanded Search Report

Stephanie D'Adamo/Stephanie DAdamo:

Both of these searches yielded similar results with most profiles appearing on either page 1 or 2 of Google Search Results
  • Facebook
  • UpWork (page 2 rank)
  • Drawception
  • Poetry International
  • Cataclysm Blog
  • Netvibes (page 3 rank)
  • Instagram
Image Search Results
  • Multiple images appearing at 0 Rank (Google feature slot)

Stephanie D'Adamo tamuc

  • Professional website
  • UpWork (page 1 rank)
Image Search Results
  • No images appearing at 0 Rank (Google feature slot)

Stephanie D'Adamo teacher
  • Youtube
  • Twitter
  • UpWork (page 1 rank)
Image Search Results
  • No images appearing at 0 Rank (Google feature slot)

For more information on the methods and platforms I used here, you can visit this page

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